Craig Greenberg - Louisville, KY, Democratic Mayor Candidate, 2022
Craig is a proud Louisvillian, husband, father, entrepreneur, and community leader who believes in thinking big, working hard, and making things happen.
Craig has spent his career turning dreams into realities and will bring that energy to building a Louisville that works for every family.
Craig, an attorney by training who went from Jefferson County Public Schools to Harvard Law School, helped start and build a Louisville-based company, 21c Museum Hotels, which grew to more than 1,100 team members. 21c received international recognition and helped revive Main Street in Louisville and other urban neighborhoods across the country.
Craig has also led other transformative, historic preservation projects that have driven Louisville’s downtown revitalization, including 111 Whiskey Row, which was nearly destroyed by fire.
No matter how great, the desire to solve problems will be at the core of Craig’s effort to build a stronger Louisville.
Craig has leadership experience enacting reforms for good government and transparency.
As a member of the University of Louisville Board of Trustees, Craig led the effort to hold the former University President accountable for inappropriate financial dealings.
While on the University Board of Trustees, Craig also spearheaded a successful effort to stop a proposed 5% tuition increase for students.
Craig has also served as the Chairman of the March of Dimes’ March for Babies and on the boards of Metro United Way and the Louisville Jewish Community Center.