Born in 1943 in Kingsport, TN., he graduated from Kingsport-Dobyns-Bennet HS & was on the Honors Society & lettered in track. In 1965, Parsley graduated from Wake Forest Univ. having lettered again in track & being on the Dean’s list. He then interned in 1969-70 at the Univ. of Southern CA. & completed his residency @ the Univ. of Lou’s School of Medicine from 1972-1975-becoming Chief Resident in Dermatology in 1975. Today he holds Bd. Certifications from the American Bds. of Dermatology, Dermatopathology, of Hair Restoration Surgery. Parsley holds his ACLA certification as well and belongs to MANY medical professional organizations such as:
Parsley has also held elective offices too within many prestigious medical organizations such as Pres. of the KY. Dermatological Soc., the American Bd. of Hair Restoration Surgery-Bd. of Govs. American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery-Bd. of Trustees & Chairman of American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.
Dr. Parsley and his lovely wife Mary Ann reside in Louisville and Dr. Parsley has 2 daughters named Jessica Leigh and Molly Kristine.